Dear Orland Community,
Greetings from the Orland Broadband Committee! We have been working since December 2022 to bring high-speed internet access and internet services to all Orland citizens. Orland is predominantly considered “unserved,” which means our wire-line broadband service does not meet the federal government (FCC) regulations of 25 Mbps download speed and 3 Mbps upload speed.
What can Orland citizens do to help? Currently, three things:
- Take the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) state broadband survey on their website: There is an online option or a pdf version to mail in. Deadline is 4/21/2023. They want your needs represented in their Broadband Action Plan!
Here is a QR code that will take you directly to MCA survey:
- Support the work of the Orland Broadband Committee. The committee meeting agendas and minutes are on the town website at:
Please feel free to contact the OBC at
- Mark your calendars to attend the Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday, June 14! You will be asked to vote on an Article to utilize $50,000 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) funds to put towards the total cost of the broadband services project. Fidium Fiber (Consolidated Communications), on behalf of Orland’s project, will be submitting a grant application to MCA in late summer. Orland’s proposed ARPA funds will be a component of this grant to show community financial support. However, ARPA funds, not taxpayers, will foot the bill. An award of the MCA grant is needed to fund the total cost of the project.
Thank you for your time and support!
Orland Broadband Committee